YouView staff volunteering in a Garden

Our Path to B Corp Certification is underway

We are adopting the B Corp framework to guide our sustainability efforts and are currently undergoing a rigorous assessment to prepare our application to B Lab. Our aim is to achieve B Corp certification, and to accomplish this, we must meet specific criteria in areas such as governance, employee treatment, community engagement, environmental responsibility, and transparency.

Our collective actions have the power to make a meaningful and positive impact on the lives of our employees, the wider community, and the environment. Therefore, we are committed to obtaining Certified B Corporation® status in order to achieve our goals.

- Justin Smith, Finance Director

Our current focus revolves around the following key areas:
  1. Cultivating a better workplace environment: We are committed to treating our staff well and creating an exceptional work experience.
  2. Amplifying community impact: We are actively engaged in charitable initiatives with our elected charity of the year, Providence Row and are building a strong relationship with Ada College.
  3. Minimising environmental footprint: We have reduced our carbon emissions by relocating to our new, greener office in Aldgate. Our new office space is smaller and more energy efficient allowing our teams to rotate their presence, working from the office once a week and adopting hot-desking practices.
This approach results in:
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Decreased travel requirements
  • Transitioning to local suppliers
  • Utilising eco-friendly office supplies

Throughout this process, we have involved passionate employees from various departments, who have taken on this important work alongside their regular responsibilities.

For more information, please visit the B Corp website and stay tuned for further updates on our certification journey.